2pm to 3pm (Malaysia/Singapore/China)
Saturday, 9th April 2022
? Hi Fellow Coach!
Mel here from Catalyst Coach.
When I started Coaching 17 years ago, it was a really tough time for me.
? I just left my role as General Manager.
? I had two beautiful kids going on three.
? I just moved to a new country too.
My passion did fuel me during those first few years. But frankly, if not for good connections and lots of support, I would have to give up the dream.
Here’s the thing: You and I know that coaching is a rewarding career.
Let’s be honest, many coaches are creating an impact but often struggle to make it a profitable enterprise.
Over the past months, I found out that a few of my coaching friends decided to go back to employment.
So when I spoke to Maverick (who had been working with service-based businesses for the last 19 years), he shared that “Coaches can’t just wish and hope for referrals and organic inquiries to come in.”
I thought to myself and silently agreed with what Mav said.
Our Coaching Clients wouldn’t leave their desired outcomes to fate. They engaged Coaches to ensure they get results!
With similar logic, Coaches shouldn’t leave the survival of their business to fate. It’s a livelihood that needs attention and focuses to move things forward.
He proceeded to show how he would chart a simple marketing plan for coaches, which is when I ask him to…do it over a webinar instead.
And that’s how The Untold Truth About Coaching came around.
3 Things You Will Walk Home with:
- My real-life Coach’s journey of how I started Coaching with next-to-zero income for years, to my USD2K rate today.
- Case studies on how other Coaches and service professionals grew their business (model excellence)
- A marketing plan designed for Coaches that you can execute at your own pace.
If you’ve been:
- Looking for ways to raise your Coaching Game
- Wanting to get really serious about Growing your impact and business at the same time
- Dreading having to go back to employment after working so hard to make the leap
… then drop your details below.
Stay safe and “see you” at the webinar.
p.s. Hi Maverick here. Really excited to have you join us in the Zoom session. Now, you’d probably be asking if we’ll be selling you something, and let me get ahead of you by saying, “Yes, we do have something to offer.”
p.p.s. But it may not be a good fit, and you don’t have to buy if you don’t want to. After 19+ years of marketing, I hate it when I have to engineer sales closings, mainly because I believe the audience members are smart enough to decide. No guilt trips. No FOMO. No crazy 97% off value-stacks too.
p.p.p.s. The proposition is simple: if you like the marketing plan that Mel and I show you during the webinar, and think you can figure out how to make it work on your own, then we wish you all the best. But if you’re like us who appreciate some guidance, the right feedback and probably some insights specific to your coaching business, then we’ll talk after the 60 minutes. Fair??