Work Motivation Certified Coach
The Work Motivation Coach Certification Program
We equip and certify Leaders, People Managers and HR in using the Fingerprint for Success (F4S) at Level 1 and the Inventory for Work Attitudes and Motivation (iWAM) effectively.
The Work Motivation Coach Certification is an approved ICF-CCE 20 hours program. Upon completion, you will be Certified to Coach, Consult and Debrief using the F4S Profile and the iWAM Profile.
The Program is fully delivered online, with a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning.

“The tool sets itself apart from personality assessments like MBTI or DISC in many ways. Research confirms the criticality of role and context in determining the motivational patterns for high performance.”
Dr. Carl Harshman

Work Motivation and the Role of
the Coach
Work motivation is the force that compels individuals to exert effort and energy to perform their jobs effectively and achieve their work-related goals.
The Coach plays a significant role in helping Coachees identify their work motivation to improve self-awareness and equip them with tools to ignite their professional success.
That is why it is important for the Coach to have objective and accurate insight about the Coachee’s motivation—to help them be more engaged, productive, and fulfilled at work.
Introducing the Fingerprint for Success (F4S)
The solution is found in the Fingerprint for Success (F4S), created by Michelle Duval (CEO and Founder). It is a collaboration and performance platform that empowers individuals and teams to work better together through AI and human coaching, and has been utilized across teams in 182 countries.
The F4S houses the Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM), an objective assessment that accurately measures 16 categories of Attitude and Motivational patterns.
This enables Leaders, Managers and Coaches to identify what drives their Teams and Coachees to facilitate performance, growth, careers, engagement and much more!
If you are a leader and manager, download our brochure here
If you are a Coach, download our brochure here
Fingerprint for Success
CEO and Fouder
Tech & Coaching to bring out the best in you and others @ work.

Our Program Outline

“What I love about the tool is that it makes it easy to know how to motivate or coach an employee.”
Dr. Marilyn Powell
When you attend a coach training school, you are looking to be aligned with a globally recognized organization like the International Coaching Federation (ICF) At Catalyst Coach, we desire to partner and showcase you, to be amongst the best in the world with our high-quality and industry applicable coach training and programs.

Catalyst Coach offers an ICF approved continuous education program for those acquiring new learning and professional development.

Catalyst Coach collaborates with F4S to provide an online platform for individuals and teams to work better together through AI and human coaching

Catalyst Coach partners with JobEQ to incorporate the science behind measuring motivations and attitudes at work.